
(540) 946-7700 ext 170


HHH Library


History 10
English as a Second Language (ESL)
Head of Language Lab
Boy Scout Troop Liaison
Golf Coach

Academic Cadre

CPT Glenn Copenhaver


Finding topics that get cadets genuinely excited and interested is the best thing about teaching here. Fishburne is a unique place to learn and grow along with the lessons of tradition and order you expect at a military-type school. I like that we can bring boys from all walks of life together to understand what it takes to be a man and a leader in the 21st century. The wide range of opportunities our young men can pursue inside and outside of the classroom is the icing on the cake. 

I’m a proud 2008 graduate of Fishburne Military School, and a 2012 graduate of the Virginia Military Institute with a Bachelor of Arts in English, and a minor in Education. I also earned my TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) in Moscow Russia, certified in 2014. I recently graduated from Mary Baldwin University in 2022 with a Master’s degree in Education with a concentration in Authentic Learning and Leadership. This is my 10th year as a teacher, 6 of which were working and living in Russia.  

Outside of work, I love the outdoors, traveling, and participating in historic reenactments. I also like to relax with a great film or video games and maintain my vegetable/herb garden on campus.

  • Favorite cookie

    Dark chocolate chip

  • Superpower I wish I had


  • Favorite Valley destination

    Shenandoah National Park

  • Horror or Comedy


  • Favorite band

    Old Crow Medicine Show